New Patient Forms

New Patient Forms
Want to schedule an appointment? We look forward to hearing you. For all new patients, we require the Patient Intake Forms (below) to be filled out and submitted prior to your child’s first appointment. For your convenience you can do this one of two ways.
1. Click on the Parent/Sensory ‘Online’ buttons below and fill out the forms online. OR
2. Download the PDF forms by clicking on the Parent/Sensory ‘PDF’ buttons below and fill them out digitally. Once you have completed filling out the PDF forms, please upload them to the contact form at the bottom of this page. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Thank you and we look forward to your first appointment!
Patient Intake Forms
You can fill out the Parent Intake Form online OR download the PDF to fill out and fax or bring into your first appointment.
You can fill out the Sensory Questionnaire online OR download the PDF to fill out and fax or bring into your first appointment.
Feeding Therapy Intake Form
Please fill out the Feeding Therapy Intake form by clicking on the link below.
Adult + Adolescent Intake Form
Please fill out the Adult + Adolescent Intake and Profile forms by clicking on the links below.
Please fill out the Psychotherapy Intake and Profile forms by clicking on the links below.