Therapeutic Listening

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Safe & Sound Protocol

The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is an evidence-based listening therapy designed to reduce sound sensitivities and improve auditory processing, behavioral state regulation, and social engagement behaviors through filtered music. The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is effective for all ages and families.

As a practical application of Polyvagal Theory, the SSP acts as a non-invasive, acoustic vagal nerve stimulator, helping to retune the nervous system to better support connection, collaboration and resilience.

The SSP involves listening to specially filtered music through headphones alongside a provider in person or remotely. Suitable for children and adults, the SSP has demonstrated benefits for individuals with trauma, anxiety, sensory processing differences and more.

Questions? Contact us today.

Polyvagal Theory: the Science of Feeling Safe

Developed by world-renowned researcher and Unyte’s Chief Scientific Advisor, Dr. Stephen Porges, Polyvagal Theory focuses on what is happening in the body and the nervous system, and explains how our sense of safety, danger or life-threat can impact our behavior.

Understanding Polyvagal Theory gives us a scientific framework that can be applied through physiological, or “bottom-up” therapies, to help change and improve how we feel, think and connect with others.

Highlights of the Safe & Sound Protocol

A 5-hour auditory intervention developed and patented by Dr. Stephen Porges, author of the Polyvagal Theory. Designed to reduce sound sensitivity, and improve auditory processing and behavioral state regulation. Activates the client’s social engagement system, helping to accelerate and enhance therapeutic outcomes. Supports physiological state regulation, allowing for greater resilience.

About unyte

About Unyte: Unyte is a category-creating neuro-tech company with proprietary, clinical-grade solutions and a loyal (and growing) provider community of 3,000+ mental health and neurodevelopmental professionals with a shared mission to help people become more aware, regulated, and resilient so they can better respond to life’s challenges and live happier and healthier lives.

Purpose: Unyte helps transform the lives of children and adults every day through empowering therapists, educators, clinicians and healthcare providers to guide their clients to feel better, think better, and connect better through improved nervous system regulation.

Mission: Unyte’s mission is to empower every person to guide their nervous system to be more aware, regulated and resilient so they can feel safe, happy and healthy, and more effectively respond to life’s challenges.

Learn more about the UNYTE SSP program.

Meet Our Therapists

Leah Forsythe, MOT, OTR/L

As I continue to enhance my skills in supporting clients experiencing chronic nervous system dysregulation, it became evident that I should broaden my expertise in using more bottom-up interventions. My interests about the effects of trauma on individuals, their regulation, and relationships led me to explore Stephen Porges’ work, particularly Polyvagal Theory. After additional research, I encountered the listening therapy known as Safe and Sound Protocol, developed by Porges, and decided to delve further into this intervention option.

AZ+A determined that this intervention would be beneficial for our clients and provided me with the opportunity to become certified as a Safe and Sound provider. The training solidified in my mind that Safe and Sound would be a beneficial therapeutic tool to offer clients. I look forward to working with clients and families towards feeling more connected with themselves and others, experiencing a stronger capacity for regulation, and improving responses to stress.


Taylor Gutzman, MSOT, OTR/L

“My role as an occupational therapist is to help clients reach their fullest potential by improving performance and increasing participation in meaningful occupations. Whether we are addressing barriers that get in the way of play, social participation, self-care, instrumental activities of daily living, or other areas meaningful to the client, having a regulated nervous system that is open for connection is the root of gaining access to learning, participation, and performance within their roles, rituals, and routines.

In my first few years as an occupational therapist, I focused on sensory processing and supporting a client’s nervous system by tailoring intervention to their individual differences to support overall well-being. I was introduced to therapeutic listening in my earlier years and was recently re-introduced to the Safe and Sound Protocol as a way to support nervous system safety and security. Interested in rediscovering the benefits of therapeutic listening, I began to dive into Stephen Porges’ work and the Polyvagal Theory, which led me to become a Certified Safe and Sound Provider.

The Safe and Sound Protocol fits nicely into the work we do as occupational therapists. It is a great addition to my tool box in supporting feelings of safety within the central nervous system, which allows a person to connect and work through the barriers that get in the way of engagement in meaningful occupations. This protocol also aligns with our relationship-based model at Zier Institute where I use my “therapeutic use of self” through co-regulation, along with supporting individual differences, to build foundational functional emotional capacities.”


Pricing – Questions? Please contact us for a FREE 15 minute consultation.

Phase 1 –
Assessment $450.00 to determine best treatment method
Includes access to the Connect Pathway

Phase 2 –
(CORE) 5 listening sessions
At Home, $300,
At Clinic $500 (as part of OT appointment)
Hybrid $400 (both home and in Clinic)

Phase 3 –
Re-evaluation $350.00
Repeat Core 5 hours with applicable fees