Preparing for Back to School during “Cautious” Summer Fun

Preparing for Back to School during “Cautious” Summer Fun

Preparing for back to school!?! Why are we bringing this up NOW when we’ve only just begun to enjoy a little summer fun?

Because it will – or possibly won’t – be here before we know it. Preparing for back to school will undoubtedly look different this coming school year. Even though it’s only a couple months away the last few months have demonstrated time and again that it is too early yet to know what to expect. However, it’s not too early to start preparing for whatever circumstances the fall may bring.

Most importantly, this spring has taught parents, teachers, and children that we are capable of incredible feats and that we’re resilient beyond measure.

As AZ+A helps families plan for the return to school in the fall, emotional wellbeing and teaching social-emotional learning skills are a priority along with the physical changes that need to occur. If you spend time on Twitter, @kwiens62 is a teacher we enjoy following. Her illustrations, positive messages, and shares (such as the social story above) offer support for educators and homeschool parents alike.

School Readiness

Our therapists are working on back to school readiness programs to support children and community educators in the coming weeks. After a prolonged absence from a physical classroom and time away from friends, our focus is on the emotional dysregulation, resocialization, and social vulnerabilities kids may experience as they return to school in the fall. Likewise, we’ll support emotional, cognitive, and behavioral challenges that can arise within families and classrooms if children are not able to return to school as they once knew it to be.

More information about AZ+A Back to School Readiness programs is coming soon.

Feature image by: Kristin Wiens